Art on Canvas

Fancy getting some images or photographs printed on something more durable and appealing than ordinary paper? Why not put them on canvas prints.

Places like LifestyleArt allow works by artists and photographers to be  printed on Canvas. Establishments like LifestyleArt have online store components. This allows the potential buyers to browse, customise and make purchases online. But not all of them are mere online entities. For example, LifestyleArt has physical locations for Art Gallery Sales and Picture Framing operations.

Images are often categorised by genres and artists. Popular genres include Photographic styles such as Landscape and Art Movements such as Pop Art. Typically, famous artist works are available. Famous Artists includes personalities such as Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and Henri Matisse.


The Canvas art prints typically come together with a Picture Frame. There can be many different kinds of picture frames. Frame types includes (not exhaustively) veneer, silver, patterned and natural wood.

For a more visual and easy decision making, LifestyleArt has an Online Picture Framer that allows the potential buyer to interactively mix and match frame and wall colours and attributes.
