Much time and effort are required to maintain and provide useful Industrial Design and 3D graphics resources on this site.
I rely solely on the revenue generated from this site to keep it running.
If you have any intention of purchasing any of the following 3D-related products below, your purchase through this website will earn me a commission. This will in turn help me to finance and maintain this website.
Your kindness and goodwill will be much appreciated.
Below listed are the sponsors and 3D products.
Clicking on the banners will bring you to the respective product vendor sites.
The 3D Studio is a 3D resource site that sells 3D models, textures, plugins and tutorials. It is one of the biggest 3D resource site online. This is the site to look for high quality 3D resources to speed up your 3D project production.
Hexagon is an intuitive 3D modeller that is easy to use. It sports tools such as subdivision modelling, Boolean. Hexagon is highly integrated with Carrara 3D suites.
Carrara 7 is a professional full featured 3D suite. It offers high end features at a fraction of the price of its competitors.
DAZ Studio is a 3D Character Posing Software.